Monday, January 26, 2009

They're Just Jealous

Ahhh yes...getting your nails done. Most girls I know enjoy this pleasure. Who knew a six year old boy could too!

Yes, it's true. Noah got his nails done. Seriously.

On Saturday I was able to get in to get my nails done on a last minute cancellation, but the catch was it was after a 5 year old birthday party. So I told Noah he was going to have to go with me to the salon, but that he could sit in the chair next to me and quietly play his Nintendo DS.

Well all hopped up on sugar from birthday treats and cake, this wasn't going to cut it! Nope! One of the nail techs had some open time and started talking with Noah about nails and how it is done. Next thing I know he is telling her he wants his nails done. "Let's do it!" he says.

So as I am sitting in one chair, he is sitting in another getting his nails painted "camoflauge". I can't even get the kid to sit still at home so we can trim his nails, but he was willing to sit for 15 minutes and get his nails painted with multiple colors so it looks like camoflauge!

He was so proud of his nails and thought it was a tremendously cool thing to get done. Later that night we went out for dinner. And it was interesting to see the reactions of people who saw that he had his nails painted. Our server couldn't have been kinder...she echoed his excitement when he showed her his nails and even commented on his zest for life! Then sadly, I watched the couple sitting across the aisle from us and watched as they pointed at his hands, shook their heads and looked disgusted. Really people? Now, granted I'm making some assumptions that they were discussing Noah. But I watched her point to her nails and then point at Noah while shaking her head and scowling. Interesting that painted nails on a boy can draw such an adverse reaction. What's the big deal? So it's not "status quo"...let him express himself! I know it may be a bit out of our comfort zone, but isn't that the point? That is when we learn the most about ourselves and others!

Later Saturday Noah started talking about how excited he was to show Mrs. Schultz (his first grade teacher) his nails on Monday at school. I thought it was amazing he wanted to wear his painted nails to school, but then started worrying about kids teasing him. So I decided I should just warn him of this possibility. I told him it was possible and that I just wanted him to be prepared.

His response, "I don't care Mommy."

"Right on brother," I said, "That is the best attitude to have".

So today he marches on into school. We go through the usual routine of hanging up the jacket and back pack and as I smile I say, "Let me see those nails Noah!"

He proudly pulls out his hands to show me...and then you could see the realization on his face as kids walked by. He slowly pulled his hands up into his sleeve as if he was trying to decide if this was a good idea after all, gives me a big hug, runs off and calls over his shoulder, "I love you Mommy!"

After seeing that moment of doubt on his face, I was a bit worried how the day might go.

Afternoon comes and I pick him up from school. I peppered him with the usual questions, "How was your day? What was the best part of it? Music or Gym today?"

Then the big question..."What did everyone think of your nails?"

"Good," he says, "But did you know that if they tease you, they're just jealous?"

"Did someone tease you Noah?"

"Yeah, Josh did, he said I was like a girl, but he's just jealous".

What an amazing moment. So easily he just ran with the flow and really didn't worry what other people thought of him! If only we could all be less concerned about what others think and just believe in ourselves, follow our heart and be that comfortable in our own skin! Wouldn't that be amazing?

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